Domů Zahraničí EMAG Brno


Od Napsala Christine Warlies

In case you were wondering, the European Annual Mensa Gathering (EMAG) happened between waves 3 and 4 in Europe, participants were vaccinated/recovered, tested with proof, risk assessment and rapid tests done, and, of course, masks were worn… The 13th EMAG stood up to its number – the first official international major event since the start of the pandemic finally took place, after being postponed from 2020. The Gathering took place in Brno,
Czech Republic.

It was not easy for both organisers and participants; the decision whether the event could and would happen was open until the very last minute. Finally, 220 participants from 22 countries decided to join (in 2019, 750 participants from over 30 countries attended) – while many of our friends followed and commented online. This time, partakers came from Europe only.

An official program that needed to be reduced awaited us, still with lectures and outside activities, such as seeing and riding a Monoracer, and many slots were filled with self-organized activities, such as flying a Cessna or going to the beach.
After at least five days, people went home, emotionally drained, as both brain halves were working hard, and being with people again had a huge impact as well!

The participants were asked: “What did you learn during EMAG Brno or other EMAGs?”

  • Solidarity and friendship and helping hands from people I hardly knew before.
  • What I’ve learned from all EMAGs I’ve been to: that Mensans like to drink a lot! (I’m not judging though!)
  • How to eat Grasshoppers correctly…
  • That it’s unwise for Belgium to attack both France and Germany at the same time, but it’s great fun.
  • That I love going out with Mensans, which is a lot for a loner like me.
  • To take, if possible, a day before and after the event to enjoy the stay even more!
  • EMAGs tend to charge your emotional batteries but due to sleep deprivation your physical batteries need to be recharged afterwards!
  • It was my first EMAG and what I learned: I want more of this stuff!
  • Once a year I feel as if I had met you recently – lovely people come from everywhere.
  • Never miss one!

Next year’s EMAG: 27th to 31st July 2022 in Strasbourg, France.

More on EMAG:

If you are thinking about organizing an EMAG in your country, please contact us at

Převzato z Mensa World Journal, 11/2021, číslo 106.

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